Congratulations, Mississippi Teachers and Students!

Posted 10/28/15

Mississippi's fourth-graders led the nation in improvement in reading and math on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and our eighth-graders bested the national trend as well. State superintendent Dr. Carey Wright credited the hard work done by students and teachers to meet the higher standards that have been implemented in recent years. See the news release here.

Mississippi students and teachers deserve our full support! Just imagine what they could accomplish if our state invested in Mississippi schools to the extent our law requires.

You can move us in that direction next Tuesday by voting FOR Initiative 42, the school funding amendment that will bring the education section of Mississippi's constitution out of the dark ages and in line with the constitutions of every other state. Initiative 42 will result in more funding for every single Mississippi school district by holding our Legislature accountable for following its own school funding law.

Mississippi's weak constitution has cost our schools more than $1.7-billion just since 2008, the last time schools were fully funded. Click here to see what your district stands to gain if Initiative 42 is passed.

Ballot Confusion

The Initiative 42 ballot is confusing! Click here for a sample ballot that is marked correctly to cast a YES vote for Initiative 42.

Please post this sample ballot on your Facebook, share it on Instagram, text and email it to your friends, pass it out at church - make sure people understand that to cast a vote in favor of 42 we must mark the ballot correctly in two places (approve it, then choose it):

1. Vote to amend the constitution - Approve

  • Mark the bubble next to "FOR APPROVAL OF EITHER Initiative Measure No. 42 or Alternative Measure No. 42 A"

2. Vote for Initiative 42 - Choose

  • Mark the bubble next to "FOR Initiative Measure No. 42"

These are the first choices in each section of the ballot. If you don't mark both, your ballot won't count. Help us spread that word.

You may take this sample ballot into the voting booth with you. Because election laws do not allow any type of campaigning inside a polling place, please make sure that the ballot is not visible to other voters in the polling area. Just fold it over or put it in your pocket or purse until you get into the booth where you will cast your vote, then take it out and use it as a reference.

A Treat is Coming Your Way

Be sure to watch your email inbox closely for a fun treat coming your way in the next day or so. We've got a special surprise in store for you that you won't want to miss!

In the meantime, like us on Facebook and share our posts, retweet our tweets (@ParentsCampaign), email and text your friends asking for their support of Initiative 42 - spread the word in every way you can, and let's get this done for our kids!