RED ALERT: HB 957 Guts School Funding; Call Today!

Posted 1/15/18

Just when you thought Mississippi's school funding couldn't get much worse...

House Bill 957 is worse than school funding in the Barbour administration and worse than school funding in the current administration.

Reality: Districts are barely keeping their heads above water because cost increases have outpaced funding gains. HB 957 would take us even further backward every year.

The Barbour administration's average annual increase to schools was $86.77 per student - even with a national recession and three years of cuts. The current administration has provided an average annual funding increase of only $64.58 per student (despite no national recession).

Their plan for the future? HB 957 calls for an average annual increase of only $32 per student and requires no increase at all after 2025.

The good news is that many legislators agree that our children deserve better. They need to hear from you immediately!

Ask your representative to vote NO on HB 957.

Capitol Switchboard (open today, January 15): 601.359.3770

Find contact information for legislators in your area (search by school district).

Share the same message with Speaker Gunn. Capitol: 601.359.3300

We don't oppose changing the MAEP formula. We do oppose passing a new funding law that keeps school districts under water in perpetuity and doesn't require adjustments to keep school dollars on pace with inflation.

Heads up to education leaders and legislators: House leaders have told us the EdBuild data is wrong (it doesn't match actual Census data), therefore the school district funding numbers legislators have been given are wrong.

The bill will be taken up in a joint meeting of the House Appropriations and Education Committees today (Monday) at 2:00 p.m. A committee vote is planned for Tuesday, and a floor vote is likely Wednesday.

Please call your representative today. Ask your friends to call, too. Our children are counting on us, and together, we've got this!